Sunday, October 21, 2007



Atlanta, Georgia (October 17, 2007) - Announced today, in response to the continuous terror tactics perpetrated by law enforcement officials on a national level, the community at large is taking a direct action stance. Terror tactics which include but are not limited to use of excessive force, beatings, torture, false imprisonment, coercion and outright murder should no longer be tolerated. From the kidnapping and torture of The San Francisco 8, coercion of witnesses in death row inmate Troy Davis’ case, to the assassinations of Kathryn Johnston and Sean Bell, it is due time for “The change to come”, that Sam Cooke sang about. We will address the attack on our youth including, recent cases such as Shelwanda Riley, the 15 year-old sprayed with mace and punched in the face by Fort Pierce Police, as well as the acquittal of the 8 Boot Camp authorities, who beat 14 year-old Martin Lee Anderson to death in Panama City (Both Florida cases). Nationally, a number of organizations, community leaders and the people in general are joining forces for 5 days of resistance being coined as Cease Fire: Stop Police Terrorism. Cease Fire will kick off November 21, 2007, marking the anniversary of the Atlanta Police murder of 92 year-old Kathryn Johnston and it will conclude on November 25, 2007, marking the anniversary of Sean Bell the 23 year-old who was murdered by New York Police on his wedding day. We realize that the above mentioned casualties are symbols of the continued Police terror and oppression waged against the poor and we are asking you, The People to rally around the other countless victims of terrorism in your areas. Some of the plans for Cease Fire: Stop Police Terrorism includes vigils, press conferences, rallies, panel discussions, teach-ins, poetry and concerts. The goal is not to capitalize off of the suffering of the people, but to educate and inspire on a mass level. Speak to your community leaders about organizing around these issues; our Success will be based on our unity. Get involved! Dare 2 Struggle, Dare 2 Win!

If you are interested in joining in on these efforts contact:
Shafeeq Ali Mujahid

A partial list of endorsers will be released Monday October 22nd

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