Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Dhoruba Bin Wahad (formerly Richard Moore) was born in the South Bronx in 1944, joined the Black Panthers in 1968. He was arrested in 1969 as part of the New York Panther 21 conspiracy case (charged with conspiring to blow up department stores, subway stations, police stations). While freed on $100,000 bail, and after receiving numerous death threats, Moore fled to Algeria and returned to the U.S on May 14, 1971 following the full acquittal of all Panther 21 defendants. On May 19, two police officers guarding District Attorney Frank Hogan's home were shot following a car chase. On May 21, two officers were shot and killed in a Harlem housing project. In June, Moore, while in custody for an un-related armed robbery, was accused and later indicted for the shootings. The first trial ended in a hung jury. Following a second mistrial (due to the illness of a juror), a jury voted to convict on April 28, 1973, and Moore was sentenced to 25 years to life. While in prison, he changed his name to Dhoruba Bin Wahad. In 1988, Bin Wahad appealed his conviction, drawing on uncovered FBI COINTELPRO documents as well as other documents revealing prosecutorial misconduct (in particular, evidence withheld by the prosecution from the defense). After a series of appeals, his conviction was overturned in March, 1990. In October 1991, the state appealed. Between 1991 and the present, a series of appeals have occurred and the courts continue to consider his case, while Dhoruba Bin Wahad remains out of prison.
The following is a statement released today in his words.
One analysis and concept that seemed to have died with the original Black Panther Party was not just the innate human right to self-defense, but clear understanding that people of African ancestry in the United States possessed a unique history and were posited in a specific way within the process of the European conquest and subjugation of the Western Hemisphere. That so called “age of exploration” so fondly referred to in Euro centric historical curricular.
Our unique history and role in facilitating the ascendancy of European settler colonies to contemporary white supremacist national-security states is not shared with any other “migrants” to the land now politically defined as the United States of America. Failure to remember who we were and what we’ve become has resulted in the domination of notions of class and gender over a fundamental understanding that in a white supremacist power paradigm race always matters, while class is relative and gender is always specific.
Perhaps the greatest participatory deception that both Blacks and Whites engage in is the delusion that African and non-African America, that is Euro-America, share a common historical experience and therefore can arrive at an equitable sharing of a common national pie and assuage the spiritual and psychological chasm, that hole in humanity left by white supremacy’s rape of this planet. We believe reparations are a “pipe dream” but have faith in a piece of paper that represents debt – the dollar. We believe education is a universal panacea, so we have a generation of educated fools who believe in getting over by any means available. Our population is conned into believing we can secure our future and our children’s future through participation in an oligarchic two party minuet disingenuously defined as “democracy”.
Racist America, the equal opportunity exploiter has its Black gate-keepers and we know their names so well. Ironically, messianic mitt men draw attention to the moral bankruptcy of the American empire while providing pipe dreams of their own. Our history and struggles for freedom and equality have been turned on their heads. For a Black person to resist violent and non-violent white supremacy without his or her defense being classified as a “hate crime” is in itself a cruel example of this. Failure of African leaders, Black leaders, to base their principle actions on our unique history, and rationalize rather than emphasize the consequences of Europe’s genocidal rise to global economic and technological supremacy has weakened us both psychologically and ideologically it is like taking a shower with a raincoat on- an absurd proposition!
Yet it is the consequences of our own delusional belief that our freedom dreams polished White America’s tarnished humanity and thereby proved our “souls worthiness” to the dominant white culture (that has disavowed African’s even had souls to begin with). It is delusional thinking, not even wishful thinking that would assert that our dehumanization and exploitation constituted sufficient capital investment in the monster that has evolved from the duplicitous heritage of European colonial rebellion and racist genocidal conquest. Whites no more want to share their wealth and privilege with non-whites than they wish to partake in our pain. When Black men and grandmothers are gunned down by the police in white America, the white middle-class, or working class doesn’t take to the streets in indignation and outrage. African-American leaders are delusional. Indeed such a delusion presupposes one’s own inferiority and stops the sovereign thinking process in its tracks we instead think and behave like another “ethnic” minority in a “multi-racial” nation – not a unique people with a right to self-determination and the right to self-defense. We pretty much forgot that we are Africans whose culture, language, spoken and unspoken were forged in the crucible of renegade European settlers pursuing their national, racial and cultural ambitions.
The demographics of Africans in the United States, the economic, political, and social patterns of areas with predominately Black populations fit the profile of a colonized people. White supremacy at the root of the American Republic has created and nurtured an internal Colony of over 30 million people of African ancestry. This internal colony is occupied day and night by militarized police and armed counterinsurgency units masquerading as “Street Crime Units” “Anti-Gang Task Forces” and “Community Policing Units”. Today the “Black Experience” in America, regardless of your class status, has as its core feature the malevolent and omnipresence of the Police state and terror of racist police brutality. Black people control nothing in their territorial enclaves defiantly labeled “the Hood”. It is time that people of African ancestry pursued their own interests, took control of their immediate environment, and reigned in the occupying armed forces of police who murder with impunity, beat, brutalize, and demean without censure. It is time for direct community control of Public Safety. It is time for Decentralization of Urban Police Departments. It is time the police live, love, and die in the communities they take an oath to protect. It is time that local communities, along with street organizations, determine Public safety policy. It is time to reign in the Gangs in Blue, and reorganize street gangs, by any means necessary.
In the age of “Shock doctrines” and “Disaster Democracy” People of African ancestry should take control of Urban Police Departments that are out of control. If Black elected officials, Black cops, and Clergy of all stripe are serious about reigning in the terror and anxiety rife in African-American communities, then they should be the first to heed the cry of the suffering and powerless urban poor and help insure that come the national election referendums demanding decentralization of Police and Public safety are on the ballot.
It is no longer about reform, police sensitivity training, community complaint review boards, and increasing black faces in blue uniforms – we “done been there, done that - it is about power – the power to control the legitimate organs of state violence and make defend the integrity of our community, families, and children.
Join The Cease Fire in our Communities – Take control of the Police in our Community by any means necessary!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Atlanta, Georgia (October 17, 2007) - Announced today, in response to the continuous terror tactics perpetrated by law enforcement officials on a national level, the community at large is taking a direct action stance. Terror tactics which include but are not limited to use of excessive force, beatings, torture, false imprisonment, coercion and outright murder should no longer be tolerated. From the kidnapping and torture of The San Francisco 8, coercion of witnesses in death row inmate Troy Davis’ case, to the assassinations of Kathryn Johnston and Sean Bell, it is due time for “The change to come”, that Sam Cooke sang about. We will address the attack on our youth including, recent cases such as Shelwanda Riley, the 15 year-old sprayed with mace and punched in the face by Fort Pierce Police, as well as the acquittal of the 8 Boot Camp authorities, who beat 14 year-old Martin Lee Anderson to death in Panama City (Both Florida cases). Nationally, a number of organizations, community leaders and the people in general are joining forces for 5 days of resistance being coined as Cease Fire: Stop Police Terrorism. Cease Fire will kick off November 21, 2007, marking the anniversary of the Atlanta Police murder of 92 year-old Kathryn Johnston and it will conclude on November 25, 2007, marking the anniversary of Sean Bell the 23 year-old who was murdered by New York Police on his wedding day. We realize that the above mentioned casualties are symbols of the continued Police terror and oppression waged against the poor and we are asking you, The People to rally around the other countless victims of terrorism in your areas. Some of the plans for Cease Fire: Stop Police Terrorism includes vigils, press conferences, rallies, panel discussions, teach-ins, poetry and concerts. The goal is not to capitalize off of the suffering of the people, but to educate and inspire on a mass level. Speak to your community leaders about organizing around these issues; our Success will be based on our unity. Get involved! Dare 2 Struggle, Dare 2 Win!
If you are interested in joining in on these efforts contact:
Shafeeq Ali Mujahid
A partial list of endorsers will be released Monday October 22nd
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
For Immediate Release
October 7, 2007
When: Saturday November 3, 2007 12:00 noon
Location: Charleston, West Virginia. Beginning in front of West Virginia State University and Marching to the West Virginia State Capitol in Charleston.
March Purpose: To bring national and statewide support to Charleston resident Megan Williams, the Williams Family and victims of other hate crimes nationwide. The Jena 6 case, the rise in the hanging of nooses and other current acts of injustices and intimidation against Blacks/African Americans will all be highlighted at this National March against Hate Crimes. Families and victims of hate crimes that are occurring throughout the nation will attend. Black Lawyers For Justice, the Williams Family and organizers are demanding that Federal Hate Crimes charges be brought in the instant case. They are also demanding Congressional hearings on hate crimes against Black residents as well a wide range of actions to combat the growing attacks on Blacks in America.
Who are the Organizers? The primary march organizers are Black Lawyers For Justice (BLFJ) and the Support Committee For Megan Williams. This march will be endorsed by at least 100 Black organizations, student groups, clergy and leaders of every stripe. An initial endorsement list will be produced on 10-15-07.
Contact: Black Lawyers For Justice (BLFJ) / Malik Shabazz, Esq.
Attorney/ advocate for Megan Williams and the
Williams Family)
Ph: NATIONAL (202) 397-3577 local (304) 657-1493
E-mail: shabazzlaw@aol. com
Websites: Blacklawyersforjust
October 11, 2007 Contact: Rogina Knight, Syndication One
For Immediate Release 301-429-3236
WHO: Warren Ballentine "The People’s Attorney" and radio Truth Fighter is calling for
National Blackout throughout America.
WHAT: Warren is calling for a National Blackout that is necessary for African Americans, and is long over due. Especially with all the present injustices that are being allowed
and accepted in America right now. From the situation with Mychal Bell and the Jena 6, Genarlow Wilson, Megan Williams, and all of the nooses being hung all of America lately. Until we have federal legislation regarding hate crimes as African Americans we need to band together to show our "Economic Power" by refusing to spend ANY money from fast food restaurants to gas.
WHY: As African Americans we spend an estimated 715 billion dollars a year, and if we were to stop spending for one day that is 2 billion dollar that will not in the system. However we ask that you don’t make a mad dash to the stores days prior or the days following. If the stores have a major increase in sales right before or right after the Blackout than we will create the impact we need
WHEN: Friday, November 2, 2007
WHERE: Nationwide Blackout for ALL African Americans
Excerpt from Guerilla Radio Interview with Kalonji Jama Changa
Guerilla Radio: That was a tight little answering machine jump off. You just heard Roll Call from FTP w/ Pam Africa, Stic from Dead Prez, Mukasa, NYM, Fred Hampton Jr. and others in the studio we have the Chief Coordinator of the POCC and Founder/Coordinator of the FTP Movement-Kalonji Jama Changa...Kalonji whats going down?
Kalonji: Nothing but a Revolution! Just trying to rumble in this wild jungle!
Guerilla Radio: The POCC is doing big things y'all all over the place, movies, cds. I see y'all holding it down! You're listed as one of The Street Legends 2006 Hip Hop Activists of the Year. They got you with folks like Dave Chapelle, Aaron McGrudder, Fred Hampton Jr., M1 from Dead Prez and others. How do you feel about that?
Kalonji: I feel like a Revolution. Its always an honor to be listed amongst Comrades or anyone in the struggle that puts in work to counter the enemies propaganda machine. But on the real, I have to quote the rapper Trick Daddy, 'You aint got to nominate me, or give me no props cause damn it, I love this'.
Guerilla Radio: Ive been online and it seems that there's been a major slander campaign against Fred Hampton Jr., yourself and other members of your organization. At least two separate incidents one involving Fred Hampton and one involving yourself. Can you speak on the incident involving yourself and your goons as I have read (laughs) who are these people? Do you even know them?
Kalonji: The Question of the year. First of all I'm not gonna name names, because they want airplay. They're a web group that has about 11 sites, funded by, we dont know who. We're not even in the same line of work. We're out in the Community with the people and I don't know where they at. In fact I don't even think we're on the same planet, they are in cyberspace and we're in the real world...The Bottom line is these buffoons created a couple of websites for us and they were basically put in a position to oversee them. FTP Movement was started July 2001; we didn't meet these folks until June 2004. A 3-year difference. They got each other so souped up, that they're actually acting like they started it...Straight delusional. Without going into full detail you can check out my statement in regards to it, on a web page I had set up ( These characters were receiving funds that were being sent from people across the country, that were meant for Community Programs we set up like the Feed The People program. The resources were to go directly towards aiding our people and instead they were pocketing them.
Guerilla Radio: How did you find all this out?
Kalonji: We started getting calls from around the country from Comrades asking did we get the money or other resources that were sent a lot of folks knew of our involvement so they would support us So had it not been for the phone calls we wouldn't have known anything about any resources. Long story short after a series of efforts and attempts to meet with these folks, we ended up going to pay them a visit. We get there, they pull out hammers on us and we took them
Guerilla Radio: You took their.....
Kalonji: Disarmed them. Now we look online and these clowns have us on over 20 websites, at least 11 of them they own. They put up all kinds of doctored statements, presenting all types of malicious slanderous, Bull sh**@! They put my picture online talking about we came at them with weapons, this kind of weapon and that kind of weapon, a bunch of punks. They called over 200 people- many of them they don't even know and we don't even know how they got their numbers. Trying to talk about some gun business on the telephone. Talking like snitches and operating like the word that rhymes with it. Then these weirdos had the nerve to try to co-opt the websites we had them put together and say they started the FTP Movement. The Funny thing about it, they really tried to jack the concept and they got so carried away, that they actually forgot people knew about how this thing really got started. Everything I say, they say-like monkey see, monkey do ts like these dudes are really sick. They set up entire websites just to attempt to assassinate my character, and then claim sh*@ like they came up with it. Who ever heard of an Internet beef? The sad thing about the whole matter is the ringleader is almost 60 years old.
Guerilla Radio: Damn, Thats Crazy!
Kalonji: Have you ever seen the movie Single White Female? These lames are Single Black Females! They are really trying to front like they us. The old head, this grown man, old enough to be my pops is sending out e-mails talking about FTP 4 Life!
Guerilla Radio: Wow thats ill. How are your Comrades taking this? Has it affected any relationships?
Kalonji: Good question. Anybody serious in the movement, and people that actually know me were able to see thru the bullsh*t. They didn't even question it the work speaks for itself. I got to admit a few folks that had personal issues with me tried to use this as leverage against me. Some people love drama. They kick a noogah when he down and sh*t. But it backfired, once folks began to see evidence. The most beautiful thing about this situation is I found that some Soldiers that I know, that I have never communicated with, showed me mad love and support. I guess thats the difference between a G, and a wannabe. You gotta know this has been going on since December 2005 , and they are still campaigning. It actually worked out for the better they actually, in spite of themselves help to make sh*t tighter. I heard a parable once that talked about a donkey that fell in a ditch. The donkey fell in the ditch, all of the people that walked by laughed and threw rocks at it. After a while they threw so many rocks that the donkey was able to walk out. Through their hard work against me, I have gotten way more speaking engagements and interviews; lot of people never even heard of me before they started their charade. So on the low, I thank them for their free P.R. work.
Guerilla Radio: Why do you think they are attacking you?
Kalonji: Honestly, I think its bigger than me and its bigger than them. Its an attack on youth movements and any potential uprisings. Cointelpro. Think about it. When did I become so important that some chumps, have to put me on over 20 websites to discredit the work we are doing. Who the f am I? You don't do that to just any Willie Nilly cat, unless you are afraid of something. If you look at the five main objectives of cointelpro it clearly defines this. 1. Prevent the coalition of militant Black Nationalist groups. 2. Prevent the rise of a messiah who could unify and electrify the militant black movement. 3. Prevent violence on the part of Black Nationalist groups. 4. Prevent militant Black Nationalist groups and leaders from gaining respectability, by discrediting them. 5. Prevent the long-range growth of militant Black Nationalist organizations. At least 4 of these can be proven to exist here. Either its Cointelpro or these Mfs have a Fatal Attraction. Maybe they think Im cute.
Guerilla Radio: Well we know you not cute (laughs). Thats deep. Whats the difference between the movement in the 60s and now?
Kalonji: I wasnt here during the 60s, but from what I have been taught, you had to put in work. Nowadays, you got instant Revolutionaries all you have to do is log onto a computer and bam, I'm a Revolutionary. These jerks not putting in any work just talking good online. So you end up with what we have now Cyber Snitches, Internet Informants and Tele-terrorist (telephone terrorists).
Guerilla Radio: Thats real as always it was good to have you here any last words for the people?
Guerilla Radio: Thats real as always it was good to have you here any last words for the people?
Kalonji: Ride or Die! Keep bangin. Cointelpro is still in full effect... you have to be critical & analytical. You cant believe everything you read or hear. In the 60's part of Cointelpro was the letter writing campaign, now it's the Internet...The Internet is a double edge sword, it's a way to get information out, but its also the devil's playground. It is certainly a tool that is being used against us as well. Just because you log onto a so-called "Revolutionary" website, doesn't mean the sh*t ain't FBI or Military funded...It doesn't matter what Freedom Fighters name is being used. If you don't see the people you deal with online in the community, treat them like entertainment. Free Imam Jamil! Free Aaron Patterson! Free Mumia! Free em All!!!
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